What are the other Alternative Medicines to homeopathy?
Alternative Medicine is a wide term consisting of a variety of medical modalities. These are basically promoted by tradition and seldom taught in a Western medical setting. These modalities reach from the traditional Eastern practices of acupuncture and Tai chi, to herbal medicine, Reiki, chiropractic manipulation, and many more. Such benefits are often used reciprocally with the term “ Alternative Medicine “, a denomination created in the 1800s that differentiates these approaches as “alternative” to allopathic medicine. Allopathic medicine is also generally referred to as Western medicine, evidence-based medicine, conventional, or mainstream medicine. You might know, in the nineteenth century, allopathic medicine was based on a procedure of opposites while the alternative branch recommended that “like cures like.” Present day differences remain but lean to revolve around a disease-centric (allopathic) versus a whole-body (alternative) method. The other practices emphasize ...