What are the other Alternative Medicines to homeopathy?

Alternative Medicine is a wide term consisting of a variety of medical modalities. These are basically promoted by tradition and seldom taught in a Western medical setting. These modalities reach from the traditional Eastern practices of acupuncture and Tai chi, to herbal medicine, Reiki, chiropractic manipulation, and many more.

natural treatment

Such benefits are often used reciprocally with the term Alternative Medicine“, a denomination created in the 1800s that differentiates these approaches as “alternative” to allopathic medicine. Allopathic medicine is also generally referred to as Western medicine, evidence-based medicine, conventional, or mainstream medicine.

You might know, in the nineteenth century, allopathic medicine was based on a procedure of opposites while the alternative branch recommended that “like cures like.” Present day differences remain but lean to revolve around a disease-centric (allopathic) versus a whole-body (alternative) method.

The other practices emphasize on stimulating the body’s ability to heal itself via energy alignment, herbal supplementation, and other balancing strategies. Contrarily, allopathic medicine focuses on symptom-particular treatment, basically with pharmacological or invasive methods to remove the irritating agent.

With ancient accounts supporting alternative approaches and rigorous clinical trials supporting allopathic modalities, there continues to be dispute over which method is proven advantageous and safe. In recent times, many physicians are encompassing the advantageous aspects of both types of medicine through the practice of Integrative Medicine in which they merge appropriate alternative and allopathic capabilities according to the patient, symptoms, and circumstances.

In addition to this, large trials attempting to solidify proof for the anecdotal benefits of Alternative Medicine are increasing in reputation.

Common Forms of Alternative Medicine:


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese method used to balance chi, the energy of life. As per the ancient beliefs, chi is an energy flow that courses along pathways throughout the body. These manners are termed meridians. Through acupuncture, small needles are placed trans-dermally besides these meridians to redirect chi, these needles are frequently manipulated via clockwise or counterclockwise twisting to further stimulate chi, furthermore, the needles can be linked to electric stimulators that offer intermittent or continuous electric stimulation.
Such a newer form of acupuncture is called Electroacupuncture. The placement and handling of the needles vary depending on the target of the treatment. Treatment applications are comprehensive and vary from symptomatic treatment for depression, pain, gastrointestinal issues, allergic rhinitis to definite goal-oriented methods such as with fertility treatments or decreasing the risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease.


Ayurveda is also an ancient Indian practice that began thousands of years ago. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda paraphrases to “The Science of Life” and is generally referred to as the “Mother of All Healing.” This practice was passed down orally and very few written documents are accessible today. Most of the alternative therapies are rooted in the basic belief system coined by Ayurveda that supports the enhancement of health through the balance of mind, body, and spirituality.
It is also believed that a particular combination of five universal elements makes up each individual: space, air, fire, water, and earth. These 5 given elements make up three doshas, or energies: Vata dosha, Pitta dosha, and Kapha Dosha. Each and every person has a unique combination of these energies, each with its own properties and commands. At the time when one becomes sick, it is a result of an imbalance in their doshas that must be realigned. The Ayurveda practice emphasizes on maintaining a healthy balance amongst all these phases of life to promote health and well-being. Most of the homeopathic and naturopathic practices are rooted in this belief system.
Herbal Medicine:

Herbal medicine is the next vaguely defined and wide term that consists of a variety of practices. Numerous cultures throughout history have cherished botanicals and herbs for their healing properties. For instance, the ancient Egyptians wrote a book in nearly 1550 BC called Ebers Papyrus in which they described the medicinal uses of over 850 plants. In the same way, much of today’s knowledge on herbal supplements stems from Traditional Chinese Medicine in which herbs are prescribed and used for various disorders like depression, respiratory indicatons including COPD, hepatic dysfunction and incurable heart failure.

5 Benefits of Natural Treatment:

Homeopathy is risk-free:

Homeopathic Medicine are made from little amounts of proven healing substances generated originally from plants, minerals and animals. They are given in very minute doses so that they are non-toxic, and are very secure. Dissimilar to antibiotics and other medicines, homeopathic medicines will not hinder digestion; will not lower immune resistance; will not generate allergic reactions and are secure in the long term if taken as guided by a skilled homeopath.

Homeopathy is Productive and Fast Acting:

Homeopathic Natural Treatment is fast acting, restoring optimal health. Homeopathic recommendations are productive in both acute and chronic conditions.

Read More: What do you understand by Homeopathic healing?

Homeopathy is a Scientific and Natural Treatment:

Homeopathy is based on standards of cure, namely Like Cures Like (The Law of Similars). Homeopathy has a long standing curing nature and is now the most reputed holistic therapy across the world.
Homeopathy Supports Build Resistance

Homeopathic remedies address disease at the root level, as a result enhancing resistance to disease.

Homeopathy for All Life’s Stages:

Homeopathic Natural Treatment are safe for everyone because there is no risk of toxicity or side-effects. Homeopathy is perfect for all life stages comprising pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Visit Homeopathyforbetterhealth today & get the best aids for your health problems.


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